Yulong County Culture

1.Ethnic Groups

In Yulong County, there are about 86% of the total population are ethnic minorities. Among the ethnic minorities, there are 123187 Naxi people, accounting for 56.16 percent of the total. Other ethnic minorities include Han, Lisu, Bai, Yi, Pumi, Tibetan, Miao, etc. 

2.Ethnic Towns

There are three ethnic towns in Yulong County including Shitou Bai Township(石头白族乡), Liming Lisu Township(黎明傈僳族乡), Jiuhe Bai Township(九河白族乡).

3.Ethnic Culture

All ethnic groups in the county are diligent and simple, and also good at singing and dancing. The folk literature, folk songs and dances, folk customs and food culture are extraordinary splendour. Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, as well as the original religions of various ethnic groups like Dongba religion, Bishop Ben, Bimo religion coexist in harmony within the territory with its own characteristics.

4.Ethnic Festival

There are Sanduo Festival(the official festival of Naxi People), Bangbang Festival, July Festival, Torch Festival, etc.