Zhenkang County Culture

Ethnic groups

There are Han, Wa, Dai, Deyang, Lisu, Bulang, Miao, Lahu and other 23 ethnic groups in Zhenkang county.

Ethnic Town

There is a ethnic village in Zhengkang county called Junsai Wa, Lahu, Lisu, Deang Township(军赛佤族拉祜族傈僳族德昂族乡).

Ethnic culture: Ashuse(阿数瑟)

The tune of "Ashuse" originates from real life. It is a folk singing art which expresses the sincere feelings between people with the most direct description and the most appropriate metaphor. This folk singing art is suitable for both men and women, the old and young, it is called "the heavenly voice floating on the ancient tea-horse road", which has strong appeal and high affinity. The singers are often improvisational, they don’t need to prepare anything. Astronomy and geography, production and solar term, the love of men and women, the ancient and modern things, all can be sung into the tune.

"Ashuse" is one of the ways of friendship and fellowship between Chinese and Burmese who live in border. Every year, the song contest of Ashuse is held in Zhenkang county.