Dali Trains
|Find Dali High speed Trains,Normal Trains and Overnight Trains. Plan your Dali train tour and book Dali bullet train tickets online. Check Dali Trains timetable and schedules, distance, bullet trains, high speed rails,soft and hard sleepers or seats, railway stations,train route and map, train ticket fares, seat’s availability and train tickets booking.
Dali trains include high speed trains and normal trains. It is very convenient to get to Lijiang and Kunming by train. Dali Railway Station is the main stop of the Yunnan-Tibet Railway. There are trains to Kunming and Lijiang in the station. Trains to and from Kunming are all bullet trains, which takes about 2 hours. The second-class seat is at the price of 145 yuan, and the first-class seat is at the price of 231 yuan. Every day from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, there are average two shifts per hour.