Bai Zhushan Tea in Shuangbai County, Chuxiong

Bai Zhushan Tea白竹山茶 is a specialty product from Shuangbai County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, and is a national agricultural product geographical indication. The tea is grown in a low-latitude, high-altitude mountainous area with a typical northern subtropical continental monsoon climate, characterized by distinct topographical climate features. The annual minimum rainfall is 900 mm, the maximum is 1,100 mm, and the average annual rainfall is 1,000 mm, which is suitable for tea tree cultivation. Bai Zhushan tea features tea bushes averaging 0.8-1 meter in height, with a canopy spread of 1.5-2 meters, either horizontal or arc-shaped. The finished tea has tight, uniform strips with tender stems and a slightly gray-green luster. The brewed tea has a clear and high fragrance, rich flavor, bright yellow-green liquor, and tender yellow-green and even leaves.

On April 15, 2013, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China officially approved the geographical indication registration protection for “Bai Zhushan Tea.”

Product Characteristics

Quality Characteristics:

  • Bai Zhushan tea bushes average 0.8-1 meter in height with a canopy of 1.5-2 meters, spreading horizontally or in an arc shape. The tea leaves are tight, uniform, with tender stems, and have a slightly gray-green luster. The brewed tea has a clear and high aroma, rich flavor, bright yellow-green liquor, and tender yellow-green, even leaves.

Nutritional Value:

  • Bai Zhushan tea contains ≥20.0% polyphenols, ≥2.5% caffeine, ≥3.1% free amino acids, and ≥1.5% theanine.

Production Area Environment:

  • Geology and Topography: Bai Zhushan tea is primarily grown in the Bai Zhushan area, characterized by high mountains and deep valleys. The terrain is lower in the northeast and higher in the southwest, with the lowest altitude at 1,800 meters and the highest at 2,350 meters. Tea cultivation is at altitudes of ≥2,000 meters on slopes ≥25°. The soil types include humus soil, purple soil, and yellow soil, with a pH value between 4.5 and 6.0, showing slight acidity. The planting area is mountainous with over 88% forest coverage in the surrounding area.
  • Hydrology: The primary rivers in the Bai Zhushan tea planting area are the Hongli River, Jiuganqing River, and Gumu River, all of which flow south into the Lüzhi River, part of the Honghe River system. The area is surrounded by lush green mountains and waters, with numerous springs in the forest providing abundant irrigation water resources.
  • Climate: Bai Zhushan tea is grown in a low-latitude, high-altitude mountainous area with a typical northern subtropical continental monsoon climate, featuring distinct topographical climate characteristics. The annual minimum rainfall is 900 mm, the maximum is 1,100 mm, and the average is 1,000 mm. The annual minimum temperature is 3.5°C, the maximum is 26.7°C, and the average annual temperature is 15.2°C, with a significant diurnal temperature range. The annual average humidity is 65%, with high air moisture and ≥120 foggy days per year. The annual average sunshine hours are 3,255, with a frost-free period of around 270 days.

Historical Background

Shuangbai County has a long history of tea production. According to the “Chronicles of Moca County” from the Republic of China period, “There are many places suitable for tea cultivation, such as the Cang Mountain outside the city, the Laohei Mountain in Tuodian, and the foot of Tufeng Mountain and Baizhu Mountain in Yulong, as well as various places around Wushang and Falao, which are highly suitable for tea cultivation.”

In 1942, the people of Falao introduced Yunnan large-leaf tea varieties from Jingdong County and successfully cultivated them on Bai Zhushan in Falao Town. According to the “Shuangbai County Chronicle,” “During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tea trees were sparsely planted in the E Jia area. In the early years of the People’s Republic, various levels of government actively advocated and supported the development of tea production.”

In 1958, the Falao Commune mobilized a group of young people to develop tea cultivation on Bai Zhushan, promoting the production and development of Bai Zhushan tea.

In March 1999, Bai Zhushan tea’s “Bi Luo Chun” and “Bai Zhu Yin Hao” were included in the “Yunnan Famous Tea Panorama.”

In April 2000, the Bai Zhushan tea production area in Falao Town was named “Hometown of Chinese Folk Art” by the Ministry of Culture, achieving an organic integration of local specialty products and cultural development.

Production Situation

In 2013, the total planting area of Bai Zhushan tea was 667 hectares, with an annual output of 500 tons.

Product Honors

  • In November 1995, Bai Zhushan tea’s “Yunwu Longzhao” won a silver medal at the China Kunming Science and Technology Achievements and New Technology and Products Exhibition, jointly organized by the National Science and Technology Commission, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Yunnan Provincial Government.
  • In June 2002, at the second Yunnan Tea Trade Fair, “Bi Luo Chun” won the gold award, and “Bai Zhu Yin Hao” and “Yun Wu Tea” received silver awards.
  • From 2000 to 2002, “Bai Zhu Yin Hao” and “Bi Luo Chun” both won the gold award at the “Yun Tea Cup” competition for three consecutive years and were recognized as Yunnan famous teas.
  • In 2005, the “Bai Zhushan” brand was awarded as an excellent well-known brand by the Ministry of Agriculture and the China Consumers Association.
  • In January 2008, Bai Zhushan “Yun Wu Tea” was recognized as a Chinese famous and high-quality product by the China Famous and High-Quality Products Promotion Center.
  • On April 15, 2013, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China officially approved the geographical indication registration protection for “Bai Zhushan Tea.”

Geographical Indication

Regional Protection Scope:
The geographical indication protection for Bai Zhushan tea covers the area within Falao Town, Shuangbai County, Chuxiong Prefecture. The production area includes 13 administrative villages: Falao, Lanni, Shitou, Pusi, Liu Jie, Shuangba, Zhe Ke Shao, Mai Di, Yulong, Fa Dian, Gu Mu, Hong Li, and Zhe Ju. The geographical coordinates are 101°44′00″-101°50′00″ E and 24°26′00″-24°40′00″ N.