Bazhu Village in Tacheng, Diqing

Plan your Diqing Ethnic Villages Tour to Diqing? Visit Bazhu Village in Weixi County, Diqing which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Diqing. Explore the local folk ethnic culture including History, Food and Dining, Clothing, Customs and Traditions, Architecture, Festivals, Crafts, Religion, Language of local ethnic people in Bazhu Village in Weixi County, Diqing.

Chinese Name: 巴珠村
English Name: Bazhu Village in Tacheng, Diqing


该行政村隶属维西傈僳族自治县塔城镇地处塔城镇西南边,距塔城镇政府所在地25.00 公里,到镇道路为土路,交通不方便,距维西县城80公里。东邻其宗村,南邻玉龙县巨甸镇,西邻永春乡,北邻启别村。辖 21 个村民小组。全村国土面积 68.38 平方公里,海拔 2,560.00 米,年平均气温 13.10 ℃,年降水量 1,000.70 毫米,适合种植农作物。