Bulangshan Bulang Ethnic Town in Menghai County, Xishuangbanna

Chinese Name:勐海县布朗山布朗族乡
English Name: Bulangshan Bulang Ethnic Town in Menghai County, Xishuangbanna


布朗山乡位于县境南部山区,南和西与缅甸接壤,距县府91公里。面积1016平方公里,人口1.6万。有公路通县府。辖勐昂、南温、曼果、结良、班章、曼囡、曼桑、章家等9个行政村,其中布朗山乡最古老的老曼峨寨子已有1400年历史。布朗族是百濮的后裔,他们世世代代生活在布朗山,是世界上最早栽培、制作和饮用茶叶的民族。。农作物以旱稻、玉米为主,并产甘蔗、茶叶、南药、水果等。草场广阔,适宜发展畜牧业。森林茂密,产木材。布朗族全民信仰佛教。 布朗山是全国唯一的布朗族乡。布朗族,历代称为“濮满”、“濮人”等。解放后,国家改“濮满”为布朗族。2009年,全乡辖7个村委会,52个自然村,63个村民小组;全乡总户数4126户,总人口19014人,其中家业人口18619人。



布朗山属南亚热带季风气候,阳光充足,雨量充沛,平均年降雨量1374毫米,年平均气温18℃~21℃,全年基本无霜或有霜期很短。一年有干湿两季,最大蒸发量出现在3月~4月,最小 蒸发量出现在11月~12月,年蒸发量大于降雨量。冬春两季多雾,夏季两季多阴雨,日照只有1782小时~2323小时。夏秋季受来自孟加拉湾的暖气流控制,冬春季受来自印度半岛的干暖西风气流控制,加之北部有哀老山和无量山的屏障作用,形成了“冬无严寒,夏无酷署,四季如春”的气候特点。布朗山处于绝对高度多在1000~2200米的中山山地,相对高差500~1000米,形成了明显的立体气候。适宜农作物和经济林木生长。境内曼囡、过贺、拉杆、曼迈、结良一带气温较高,适宜种植热带作物。这些得天独厚的自然条件成就了布朗山的茶在普洱茶中的传奇,布朗山的茶最出名的就是“班章王”了,它凛冽的口感犹如布朗族男子那样有浑厚的力量,所以班章茶的霸气一直以来是普洱茶中的最高追求。



Brown Mountain is the only brown village in the country. The brown people are called “pu man(濮满)” and “pu people(濮人)” in past dynasties. After liberation, the state changed from “pu man”(濮满) to brown nationality. Brown mountains southeast of the brown nationality township is located in meng hai (勐海) County, xi shuang ban na(西双版纳) , Yun nan province, east longitude 99 ° 56 ‘- 100 ° 41’, north latitude 21 ° 28 ‘- 22 ° 28’, east jing hong(景洪), with big Meng Long(勐龙)Town border, south and west and bordering Myanmar, 70.1 km long borderline, and Da Luo(打洛) town, adjacent to the northwest, north and northeast Meng Hun(勐混)town. The total area of the township is 1016.34 square kilometers. The township is about 38 kilometers from east to west and 28 kilometers from south to north, with a population density of 17 people per square kilometer. Township government resident meng ang (勐昂), 1220 meters above sea level, 91 kilometers from the county. Brown Mountain is a famous tea producing area of pu ‘er (普洱) and one of the most preserved ancient tea gardens. Brown Mountain covers an area of more than 1000 square kilometers.

Brown Mountain Township is located in the southern mountainous area of the county, south and west border with Myanmar, 91 kilometers from the county. It covers an area of 1,016 square kilometers and has a population of 16,000. Roads lead to the county government. Governing meng ang (勐昂), nan wen(南温), man fruit(曼果), jie liang(结良), class zhang(班章), manchul(曼囡), mansang(曼桑), zhang jia(章家) and other 9 administrative villages, including brown mountain village, the oldest old mane village has 1400 years of history. The brown people are descendants of bai pu(百濮), who have lived in the brown mountain for generations and are the earliest people in the world to cultivate, make and drink tea. Crops to upland rice, corn – based, and the production of sugar cane, tea, medicine, fruit and so on. Grassland is broad, suitable for the development of animal husbandry. The forest is thick and produces wood. The brown people believe in Buddhism. Brown Mountain is the only brown village in the country. The brown people are called “pu man(濮满)” and “pu people(濮人)” in past dynasties. After liberation, the state changed from “pu man(濮满)” to brown nationality. In 2009, the township had 7 village committees, 52 natural villages and 63 village groups under its jurisdiction. The total number of households in the township is 4,126, with a total population of 19014 people, including 18,619 family workers.

Historical evolution

Pu people first settled here more than 2,000 years ago, which is called “pu man (濮满山)mountain”. Ancient man mulberry, man is a new car to comfort the department, period in a meng勐 mixed toast. Because of their race, the name of the mountain brown. Meng meng in 1950, 1953 set up the brown mountain brown autonomous region, x i shuang ban na (西双版纳)dai(傣) autonomous region (prefecture). From 1958 to brown mountain area, May 1 commune was established in 1969, and brown commune was established in 1973.


Territory of entire town is located in the mountains, hills, a series of valleys, an average elevation of 1216 meters, the highest point in the north of the san duo(三垛) mountain, elevation 2082 meters, square garden 13 square kilometers, butte towering, can have a bird’s eye view of brown hill, is the highest mountain in the southern mountains of, the southern mountains since the san duo(三垛) mountain, to the south by the wide dam card a remedy that is an old lookout taishan check until the sino-burmese border, throughout the rural territory, brown Mountain can be divided into two parts. The lowest point is at the confluence of nan ju (南桔)river and nan lan(南览) river in the southwest, at an altitude of 535 meters. Northeast was a low – lying high – southwest. The main girders are san duo (三垛山)mountain, lui yatao(囡丫桃)mountain, bang ga(邦嘎)mountain, lookout mountain(了望台山), guang san bian(广三边山)mountain, and yungang (悻岗垒山)base mountain, tebani(特棒囡)mountain, base base fashan(垒连底法山)mountain, nomicha(诺米差)mountain, nonger (浓厄山)mountain, and gara apo foot(嘎腊阿波拖各脚).


Brown mountain belongs to subtropical monsoon climate, sunshine, abundant rainfall, the average annual rainfall of 1374 mm, annual average temperature 18 ℃ ~ 21 ℃, annual basic or cream frost season is very short. There are two dry and wet seasons in a year, the maximum evaporation occurs in March ~ April, the minimum evaporation occurs in November ~ December, the annual evaporation is greater than the rainfall. The winter and spring seasons are foggy, while the summer seasons are rainy, with only 1782 hours of sunshine ~ 2323 hours. In summer and autumn, it is controlled by the central heating flow from the bay of Bengal, in winter and spring, it is controlled by the dry and warm westerly air flow from the Indian peninsula, and in the north, it is protected by the ai lao(哀牢山) mountains and wu liang shan(无量山) mountains. Brown Mountain is in the absolute height of the most in the 1000 ~ 2200 meters of zhong shan(中山) mountain, the relative height difference of 500 ~ 1000 meters, forming an obvious three-dimensional climate. Suitable for the growth of crops and economic trees. It is also a good place to grow tropical crops in areas such as manchuria, koh ha, pull-rod, manmai and jiliang. These advantaged natural conditions have made brown mountain tea a legend in pu ‘er(普洱) tea. Brown mountain tea is most famous for its “ban zhang king(班章王)”. Its cold taste is as powerful as that of the men of the blang ethnic group.

The brown people are called “pu man(濮满)” and “pu people(濮人)” in past dynasties. After liberation, the state changed from “pu man(濮满)” to brown nationality. By 2008, the township had seven village committees (meng ang勐昂, banzhang班章, zhangjia章家, manchul曼囡, manguo曼果, new turtles新鼋and jiiliang结良), 52 natural villages and 63 groups of villagers. There are 3,362 hani哈尼 族people, accounting for 18.8% of the total population. La gu 拉姑族 2,424, accounting for 13.6% of the total population; There are 354 han汉族 people, accounting for 2% of the total population. There are 210 people from other nationalities, accounting for 1.2% of the total population.

Customs and habits

The brown people generally believe in Theravada (小乘) Buddhism. The Buddhist ( 佛寺)temple is the center of various cultural activities of the brown ethnic group. It is the place where people receive traditional education and hold ceremonies. Men of the brown ethnic group from the age of seven or eight to the age of eleven or twelve are required to become monks in Buddhist temples. Under the guidance of Buddha, I learned the dai language and simple Buddhist sutras, and systematically studied the doctrines and rules. This kind of education is limited to men only, and a few intelligent brown women have learned the basic tenets of Buddhism and the simple dai (傣) language through listening to the Buddhist sutras, teaching materials and Buddhist practices in religious activities.

The brown people are good at singing and dancing and have a rich folk song and dance culture. Traditional music is divided into four categories: cable, sheng, zai (宰) and ye. Folk dance is divided into singing and dancing, encouraging, martial arts dance and so on.

The major festivals of the brown ethnic group include water-sprinkling festival, open door festival, closed door festival, etc. Whenever there is a festival, they will gather in fixed places to sing and dance for their own festival.

Bulangshan Bulang Ethnic Township of Menghai County in XishuangBanna

Bulangshan Bulang Ethnic Township of Menghai County in XishuangBanna

Bulangshan Bulang Ethnic Township of Menghai County in XishuangBanna