Chuxiong Railway Station

Chuxiong Railway Station introduces the location, profile, maps, travel tips, normal trains and high speed trains schedule, train tickets booking, transportation, layout, facilities and servive, travel guide of Chuxiong Railway Station.
Station: Chuxiong Railway Station
Station(CN): 楚雄站
Address: Dongping Community, Donggua Town, Chuxiong City, Yunnan
Address(CN): 云南省楚雄市东瓜镇车坪社区

Chuxiong Railway Station is located in Chuxiong City, Yunnan Province, China. It is a railway station on the Chengdu–Kunming Railway and the Dali–Lufeng Railway.

To find the latest train schedule and timetable for Chuxiong Railway Station, you can check the China Railway 12306 website or app. The website provides detailed information on train schedules, ticket prices, and travel times for various routes, including those from Kunming to Chuxiong Railway Station.

Here is a sample train schedule from Kunming to Chuxiong Railway Station as of March 2023:

  • High-speed train G2881: Leaves Kunming South Railway Station at 07:00 and arrives at Chuxiong Railway Station at 08:23. Travel time: 1 hours 23 minutes.
  • High-speed train G2883: Leaves Kunming South Railway Station at 09:00 and arrives at Chuxiong Railway Station at 10:23. Travel time: 1 hours 23 minutes.
  • Express train K9612: Leaves Kunming Railway Station at 10:00 and arrives at Chuxiong Railway Station at 12:32. Travel time: 2 hours 32 minutes.
  • Ordinary train T9021: Leaves Kunming Railway Station at 14:00 and arrives at Chuxiong Railway Station at 17:25. Travel time: 3 hours 25 minutes.

Please note that the train schedule and timetable may change from time to time, so it’s always a good idea to check the latest information on the China Railway 12306 website or app before traveling.