History of Dianhong Black Tea

Fengqing Dianhong Black Tea, often simply referred to as Dianhong tea, has a rich history rooted in the mountainous region of Fengqing County in Yunnan Province, China. Here’s an overview of its historical development:

Early Origins and Development

  1. Origins in Yunnan Province:
    • Dianhong tea originates from the Yunnan Province of southwestern China, known for its diverse tea cultures and high-quality tea production. Yunnan Province is renowned for its unique tea plant varieties, favorable climate, and high-altitude terrain, which contribute to the distinctive characteristics of its teas.                    
  2. Development in Fengqing County:
    • Fengqing County, situated in the western part of Yunnan Province, is historically significant for tea cultivation. It has been a center for tea production for centuries, with tea cultivation dating back to ancient times.
  3. Innovation in Tea Processing:
    • The development of Dianhong tea can be traced to innovations in tea processing techniques during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Unlike traditional Chinese black teas which are often made from smaller, whole leaf varieties, Dianhong tea is distinguished by its use of large-leaf tea varieties native to Yunnan.

Key Historical Milestones

  1. Integration of Yunnan Large-Leaf Varieties:
    • Dianhong tea is predominantly made from large-leaf tea varieties such as Camellia sinensis var. assamica, which are native to Yunnan. These tea plants thrive in the region’s rich soil and high altitude, producing leaves with unique flavor profiles.
  2. Modernization and Global Recognition:
    • In the mid-20th century, Dianhong tea underwent modernization efforts in production techniques and quality standards. This period marked the tea’s rise to prominence not only within China but also internationally, where it gained recognition for its distinct taste and quality.

Characteristics and Cultivation

  1. Unique Flavor Profile:
    • Fengqing Dianhong Black Tea is characterized by its robust and malty flavor, with hints of sweetness and a smooth, velvety texture. The tea’s golden buds and leaves contribute to its appearance and flavor, often prized for their quality.
  2. Cultural Significance:
    • Dianhong tea holds cultural significance in Yunnan Province, where it is deeply embedded in local traditions and customs. It is often served during important social occasions and ceremonies, reflecting its esteemed status among tea enthusiasts.


Fengqing Dianhong Black Tea, with its deep-rooted history in Yunnan Province and distinctive flavor profile, continues to be celebrated both locally and globally. Its journey from traditional cultivation methods to modern production standards highlights its evolution and enduring appeal in the world of tea connoisseurship.