Impression Hongtudi Inn, Dongchuan

Chinese Name: 东川红土映像客栈
English Name: Hongjingxuan Hotel in Dongchuan Red Land, Kunming
Address in English:
Address in Chinese: 昆明 东川区 昆明东川区红土地镇杨家湾段旁边
Impression Hongtudi Inn(印象红土地客栈) is located in the Impression tourism town of Huagou village. It’s in a good location and with convenient traffic. It’s equipped with good lighting and ventilation. The rooms are clean and tidy and equipped with Infrastructure facilities. You will enjoy the Considerate service in the hotel. It’s a paradise for photographers and backpackers.

Address: the Impression tourism town, Huagou village,Dongchuan(东川区花沟村印象旅游小镇)

Tele: 15025148811