Sanyi International Church in Kunming


Originally named “Trinity Church” (三一圣堂), the Kunming Trinity International Protestant Church was established in 1903. In 1963, the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Christianity (云南省基督教三自爱国运动委员会) was founded, with its office located within the church. The original church was restored in December 1984 and became the office location for the Yunnan Christian “Two Associations” (云南省基督教“两会”) in 1986. However, in February 1997, the original Trinity Church was demolished to make way for urban development in Kunming.

On June 22, 2003, the groundbreaking ceremony for the new church complex took place, and the name was changed to “Trinity International Protestant Church” (三一国际礼拜堂). The church was completed in December 2004, and the opening service was held on December 12.

Architectural Features

The church complex features Gothic architectural style and covers a total area of 4,018 square meters. The new church is situated on the first to third floors of the complex, occupying 2,000 square meters. The fourth to seventh floors serve as the ministry center for the Yunnan Christian “Two Associations.” The total investment for the church complex was 15 million yuan.

Key Information

  • Type: Architecture
  • Completion Date: December 2004
  • Building Area: 2,000 m²
  • Established: 1903

Historical Context

The original Trinity Church was located at 218 Wucheng Road (原武成路218号) in Kunming. After its completion, it became the center for the activities of the “Inland Mission” (内地会) in Yunnan Province. The church featured a worship hall facing the street, with living quarters for clergy in the backyard. The building had three stories, with the first floor serving as a corridor, the second floor housing two offices and a meeting space accommodating thirty to forty people, and the third floor designated as additional office space. The main worship hall had a capacity of four to five hundred people.

In 1963, the Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Christianity was established within the Trinity Church. The church resumed services in December 1984. By 1986, it had become the office for the Yunnan Christian “Two Associations.” However, in February 1997, the church was demolished to facilitate road expansion as part of urban construction in Kunming.

After the demolition, the congregation faced nearly eight years of challenges, temporarily holding services in various venues, including the Wuyi Cinema, Yuantong Cinema, Daguan Cinema, Gordon Building, and outdoors at the church site. During this difficult period, many believers prayed in tears, eagerly anticipating the construction of a new church.

With the support and care of the provincial government, relevant departments, and various communities, the groundbreaking ceremony for the new church complex was finally held on June 22, 2003. It was announced that, with approval from the Provincial Religious Affairs Bureau, the church was renamed “Trinity International Protestant Church.” After one and a half years of hard work, the new church was completed in December 2004, and an opening thanksgiving service was held on December 12.

Community Impact

From 1984 to the end of 2006, over 10,000 believers were baptized at the Kunming Trinity International Protestant Church. Currently, more than 4,000 participants attend Sunday services regularly. In 2005, 500 individuals were baptized, followed by another 400 in 2006. The church has eight full-time staff members, including three pastors, four preachers, and one accountant. The number of congregants continues to grow as the church develops.

The new Trinity International Protestant Church is blessed with abundant grace from the Lord, welcoming new missions in the 21st century. The congregation strives to unite in love and work together to revive the holy work of the Lord. May this sanctuary be wholly dedicated to Jehovah as holy; may each person entering the temple be like living stones, built into a spiritual house, serving as a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (提摩太前书2:50). May the Lord’s grace, peace, and blessings be abundant for us.

Contact Information

  • Address: 188 Renmin Middle Road (人民中路188号), Kunming (昆明), Yunnan Province (云南省)

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