Maoke Mosque in Wenshan

Chinese Name:文山茂克清真寺
English Name: Maoke Mosque in Wenshan
Keywords: Maoke Mosque in Wenshan, Muslim culture, Muslim architecture

Location: Located in Hongdian Village, Wenshan County, Yunnan Province.

Maohe Mosque is located in Hongdian Village(红甸乡), Wenshan County, Yunnan Province. There collects some horizontal inscribed boards like “Dao fits all time”(道冠古今), ” all things have the roots “(万有根源), “light shines the world”(真光普照), “education and cultivation”(重教育才) and so on. The mosque is extremely prosperous with the profound traditional classic education. There are more than 700 Muslim, more than 2,800 people, and there are 21 imams, 143 manias and 13 hajis.

People still don’t know the exact year when the mosque was built. The original temple was destroyed in 1975 and reconstructed in 1979 with the help of the government. Visitors here can appreciate the brilliant new-constructed worship hall which is the typical traditional Chinese palace style. The building area of the mosque is 1176 square meters with 885-square-meter side rooms on the both sides, a shower room which covers an area of 192 square meters and a main hall with an area of 492 square meters. The total building area is 2,747 square meters.

Maoke Mosque in Wenshan