Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna

Chinese Name:西双版纳勐腊县瑶区瑶族乡瑶族盘王节
English Name: Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority
Address: Yoaqu Town of Mengla County, XishuangBanna,Yunnan西双版纳勐腊县瑶区瑶族乡
The King Panwang Festival is an important festival for offering sacrifices to the ancestor Panhu. All Yao clans, both home and abroad, value this sacrifice rites. Every year on October 16th of lunar calendar, the Yao clan, men and women, the old and the young all will be dressed in their festival best. They gather together singing and dancing, spending joyful King Panwang festival. (also called “dancing for King Panwang” or “following King Panwang”). The songs they sing are something like the happy lord based on King Panwang songs.
Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna Panwang Festival of Yao Ethnic Minority in Mengla County, XishuangBanna