Shanju Hotel in Dongchuan Red Land, Kunming

Chinese Name: 昆明东川红土地山居酒店
English Name: Shanju Hotel in Dongchuan Red Land, Kunming
Address in English:
Address in Chinese: 昆明 东川区 红土地风景区锅底塘 
Kunming Shanju Hotel(昆明东川红土地山居酒店) is a luxurious and comfortable accommodation place in the Red Land tourist area of dongchuan.Hotel is constructed in a classical courtyard style with solid wood furniture, and equipped with Hui and Han restaurants, and there is a tea room, a study room, a music room, a mahjong room, a chess &cards room, a greenhouse of vegetables and a fishing area. It is a recreation place with beautiful scenery and entertainment. You will have a chance to taste the local delicacy.

Address : Guoditang, Huagou village, Red Land Tourism Area, Dongchuan(东川红土地风景区内花沟村锅底塘)
Tele: 13888182740

The Location of Shanju Hotel in Dongchuan Red Land

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