Special Experience in Kunming Spring City Golf & Lake Resort

Activity 1 Yangzonghai Lake Hiking Tour

09:30-11:30 Meeting in the lobby of Kunming Spring City Golf & Lake Resort(春城高尔夫大堂集合)
Hike 4 KM around Yangzonghai Lake,(徒步阳宗海4公里)
Visit the villages and enjoy the nice view of Yangzonghai Lake;(阳宗海湖边村寨游览,拍摄抚仙湖美景)

Activity 2: Happy Farm
10:30-12:30 Meeting in the lobby of Kunming Spring City Golf & Lake Resort

Vegetable encyclopedia (In both Chinese and English); happy handwriting;Feeding small cute animals;The farmer experience;Vegetable picking.

Activity 3: Family Club–Meeting in the lobby of Kunming Spring City Golf & Lake Resort
13:30-16:00 Natural Hand-made自然手作
Hand-made:the cone of the lacebark pine,rosemary,cypress;
Hand-made:Leaf veins bookmark,scented candle,ethnic tie dye,baking:pizza,cookie(14:00-15:00).
(松塔/迷迭香/柏树)/亲自手作(叶脉书签/香薰蜡烛/民族扎染/非遗造纸/烘焙手作-披萨/曲奇 14:00-15:00)

Activity 4:Golf Novice Courses高尔夫新手课程
15:00-17:00 Meeting in the lobby of Kunming Spring City Golf & Lake Resort
Fun golf basics sharing;Professional golf coach instruction;golf range+Green push depth experience(趣味高尔夫基础知识分享/专业高尔夫教练教学/练习场+果岭推杆深度体验

Activity 5:Audubon Golf shoot奥杜邦球场旅拍
17:30-18:30 大堂集合
The Audubon Environmental Encyclopedia;internet shoot experience;  The world’s top 100 golf courses visiting;(奥杜邦环保百科/网红点必拍体验/世界百佳球场参观)

All of the above activities are required one day in advance, Guests can experience any two activities for free; 299 yuan to experience all the activities,The number of experiences was 2 adults and 1 child;Package products can not be separated, do not set up for compensation;
以上所有活动需要提前一天预约, 住店客人可免费体验任意两项活动,299元即可体验全部活动,体验人数为2大1小; 套餐产品不可拆分,不设找补;