Raw Material Base and Tea Plantations of Dianhong Group

Chalu Raw Material Base/滇红茶岔路原料基地
The Chalu Tea Garden covers an area of 767.24 mu (about 51 hectares), with Fengqing large-leaf tea plants that are 30 years old. Situated at an altitude of 1,710 meters, it has an average annual temperature of 16.4°C and annual rainfall of 1,200 millimeters. The garden is located in the southwest of Mengyou Town, Fengqing County. With a good environment and convenient transportation, it is a model base for Dianhong Group’s standardized picking management. [View Details and VR Experience]

Xiaoqingshu Organic Tea Base/滇红茶小青树有机茶叶基地
The Xiaoqingshu Organic Tea Base is situated at an altitude of 1,270-1,500 meters, with a superior natural ecological environment and fertile soil. It has been certified as an organic tea garden. The total area of the garden is 1,053 mu (about 70 hectares), including 223 mu (about 15 hectares) of century-old tea gardens, 709 mu (about 47 hectares) of Fengqing large-leaf tea gardens over 30 years old, and 121 mu (about 8 hectares) of clonal tea gardens. Major varieties include Fengqing No. 3 and Qingshui No. 3. [View Details and VR Experience]

Guodazhai Ancient Tea Garden Raw Material Base/滇红茶郭大寨古茶园原料基地
The Guodazhai Ancient Tea Garden covers an area of 203 mu (about 14 hectares) with Fengqing large-leaf tea plants over a century old. Situated at an altitude of 2,000-2,100 meters, it has an average annual temperature of 16°C and annual rainfall of 1,450 millimeters. The garden is 93 kilometers from Fengqing County town and has yellow-red sandy loam soil. Tea trees here can reach over 2 meters in height, with the tallest up to 4.5 meters, and girths of 0.8-1.2 meters. This is a typical ancient tea forest in the Fengqing tea area, producing high-quality tea leaves ideal for Dianhong Group’s ancient tree Pu’er tea. [View Details]

Dasi Raw Material Base/滇红茶大寺原料基地
The Dasi Tea Garden covers an area of 600 mu (about 40 hectares), with all tea plants being Fengqing large-leaf varieties over 70 years old. It is located at an altitude of 2,300-2,500 meters, with an average annual temperature of 15°C and annual rainfall exceeding 1,200 millimeters. The garden is often shrouded in clouds and mist, adjacent to a national natural ecological protection forest, providing an excellent ecological environment. This is a quality raw material base for Dianhong Group’s fine Dianhong Congou tea. [View Details and VR Experience]

Zhengyi Raw Material Base/滇红茶正义原料基地
The Zhengyi Tea Garden is one of Dianhong Group’s Rainforest Alliance-certified tea garden bases, covering an area of 670.88 mu (about 45 hectares). Located at an altitude of 2,150-2,370 meters, it has an average annual temperature of 16°C and annual rainfall exceeding 1,000 millimeters. All tea plants here are Fengqing large-leaf varieties, providing high-quality raw material for Dianhong tea. The natural ecological environment is excellent, with no pollution in the surrounding area.

Dianhong Group’s Sri Lanka Raw Material Base/滇红集团斯里兰卡原料基地
On March 8, 2013, Dianhong Group and Sri Lanka’s Elpitiya Plantations PLC jointly established a joint venture company, “Elpitiya Dianhong Golden Bud Tea Co., Ltd.” The project commenced, and the Harrow Factory clean processing plant in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka, officially began production. The 250-hectare tea garden in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, at an altitude of 1,200-1,500 meters, is surrounded by forests and rich in biodiversity, offering a stunning natural environment. The garden’s large diurnal temperature variation, abundant rainfall, and high humidity throughout the year ensure ideal conditions for tea growth.