Titianshang Guesthouse in Yuanyang County, Honghe
Book the Titianshang Guesthouse in Yuanyang County and stay at cheap Inn and Guesthouse. Enjoy the free WiFi, free parking, nice entertainment and visit the popular tourist attractions around the Guesthouse. Check the Rooms Types, Prices, guest Reviews, Breakfast, Dining, Facilities of Titianshang Guesthouse in Yuanyang County. Discover genuine guest reviews of the comfy rooms along with the latest prices and availability – book now.
Chinese Name: 元阳县梯田上客栈
English Name: Titianshang Guesthouse in Yuanyang County, Honghe
Address in English:
Address in Chinese:元阳县新街镇多依树景区普高老寨-近多依树观景台