Kunming Tea Art Training Center-侍茶师Tea Sommelier 双语认证课程,优秀结业茶友送认证课件
Yunnan Kunming Tea Art Training Center 云南昆明茶艺培训中心
One hour for each lesson
Session I Foundation and Basic Six Types of Tea 理论基础与六大茶类
Lesson 2 Tea Classification in Theory and Practice茶叶分类的理论与实际
Lesson 3 Green Tea 绿茶篇
Lesson 4 Yellow Tea 黄茶篇
Lesson 5 White Tea 白茶
Lesson 6 Oolong Tea 乌龙茶
Lesson 7 Black Tea 红茶
Lesson 8 Dark Tea 黑茶
Session II Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶
Lesson 9 General Introduction of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的概要
Lesson 10 Classification and Main Processing of Pu-erh 普洱茶的分类和工艺
Lesson 11 The Main Area of Pu-erh Tea普洱茶各大产区的历史及风格
Lesson 12 4S Sensory Tasting&Evaluation 普洱茶品饮与鉴赏(4S品鉴法)
Class Location:
费用不包括:食宿(集训时,需要提供食宿,费用另计), 差旅,保险。请注意,目前本工作室无法提供签证服务。
Contact us now, reserve the course now to make a reservation and get the student’s books.