Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi


Beimen Mosque盘溪北门清真寺, also known as Panxi North Gate Mosque, is located in Panxi Town, Huaning County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province. It is a significant religious site for the Hui Muslim community in the region.

Historical Background

The mosque was initially constructed in the sixth year of the Xianfeng era (1856). It underwent major renovations during the Guangxu era (1886) and has been reconstructed twice since 1919 and after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. The mosque now covers an area of 5.3 mu (approximately 0.35 hectares) with a total building area of 2761 square meters. The main prayer hall occupies 629 square meters and can accommodate over 500 worshippers simultaneously. The architectural style is reminiscent of traditional Chinese palace structures.Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Architectural Features

The interior of Beimen Mosque is adorned with intricate colored paintings and carvings. The central hall features a prominent plaque with the inscription “安拉至大” (Allah is Great) in Arabic script. Gold-lettered plaques reading “奉主遵圣” (Revere the Lord and Follow the Holy) and “主宰宇宙” (Master of the Universe) adorn the north and south sides respectively. Outside the entrance, pillars bear couplets that reflect spiritual wisdom.Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Main Structures

In 1980, a grand four-story minaret was rebuilt, featuring a reinforced concrete structure with traditional Chinese architectural elements. The mosque complex is compactly laid out, with a well-organized structure that blends harmoniously with its surroundings.Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Location and Transportation

Beimen Mosque is strategically located in Panxi Town, Huaning County, on the eastern border of Yuxi City, Yunnan Province. The town is adjacent to Mile County and Jianshui County to the east, Huaxi Town to the south, Ningzhou Town to the west, and Tonghongdian Yi and Miao Autonomous Township to the north. It is 55 kilometers away from the county seat and 1.5 kilometers from Panxi Railway Station on the Kunhe Railway.Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Panxi Town is surrounded by mountains, with the Nanpan River flowing through its center, creating a picturesque landscape. The town is home to a diverse population, with the Yi and Hui ethnic groups comprising the majority, accounting for 57% of the total population.

Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi

Beimen Mosque in Huaning County, Yuxi