Huajie Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Guangnan County, Wenshan

Huajie Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority is also known as Sanyuesan(三月三), which is the most characteristic and grand festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority. Huajie Festival is a custom that is raised to convey the information of spring farming production seasons.

Location: Jiulong Ethnic Culture Square of Zhetu Town in Guangnan County, Wenshan/文山州广南县者兔乡九龙民族文化广场

Sanyuesan (Huajie) Culture Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Shizong County, Qujing-01


On the day of the middle lunar March, people begin to celebrate the Huajie Festival. There will be thousands of people in ethnic clothes walking in the streets, country lanes and rural fields. The Huajie Festival is a veritable “Valentine’s Day” of the Guangnan Zhuang Ethnic. Young men and women can find their lovers during the festival. Older parents can also find their favorite objects for their children during this period.

Sanyuesan (Huajie) Culture Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Shizong County, Qujing-04

They choose a partner through the way men and women sing, they will know each other in the chorus and  show their love to each other, who finally become couples. 

· Sanyuesan (Huajie) Culture Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Shizong County, Qujing-03

Huajie in Zhuang language is called Yutangdian(圩旦滇), meaning “black and white street”. There are two sources of this custom. One kind of argument is the custom of the past Zhuang Ethnic family  fight for mate selection for free love. Another way of saying is to celebrate the festival in order to convey the information of the Spring Festival. Today’s Huajie Festival is a grand festival for young men and women to sing love songs and find friends. So Huajie is also called Song Street.

Sanyuesan (Huajie) Culture Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Shizong County, Qujing-02

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