Kunming Northwest Bus Station

Kunming Northwest Bus Station introduces bus schedule, bus tickets booking, how, when and where to buy bus tickets, buses timetable to popular attractions and the location, profile, maps, bus routes, bus destinations, travel tips, layout, facilities and servive, travel guide of Kunming Northwest Bus Station.

Fast Basic Information

Station Name (EN): Kunming Northwest Bus Station
Station Name(CN): 昆明西北部汽车客运站/Kunming Xibeibu Qiche Keyunzhan
Address(EN): Puji Road, Wuhua District, Kunming, Yunnan
Address(CN): 云南省昆明市五华区普吉路
Tel: 0871-68265359
Operation Hours: 07:00 to 23:00

The schedule, tiket fares & durations below are for reference & subject to changes
From Kunming Northwest Bus Station to Service Time Frequency Ticket Price (CNY) Travel Time
Chuxiong (楚雄) 7:10 – 19:10 every a hour 48 3 hrs
Yuanmou (元谋) 8:00 – 18: 30 every 40 – 50 mins 48 – 53 4 hrs
Xichang (西昌) 11:00, 16:00   149 10 hrs

Check more Bus Schedules of Kunming Northwest Bus Station.