Shangri-La Railway Station

Shangri-La Railway Station introduces the location, profile, maps, travel tips, normal trains and high speed trains schedule, train tickets booking, transportation, layout, facilities and service, travel guide of Shangri-La Railway Station.

Station Name (EN): Shangri-La Railway Station
Station Name(CN): 香格里拉火车站/Xianggelila Huochezhan
Address(EN): Shini Village, Jiantang Town, Shangri-La City, Diqing, Yunnan
Address(CN): 云南省香格里拉市建塘镇尼史村

Located in Jiantang town of Shangri-La city, Shangri-La Railway Station is the terminus of Lixiang railway(Lijiang-Shangrila Railway) under construction and the intermediate station of Yunnan-Tibet railway under planning. It will be put into use together with Lixiang railway in 2020.

Lijiang-Shangri-La railway starts from the Lijiang station of Dali-Lijiang railway in the south, crossing the Jinsha river in the north, passing the Xiaozhongdian(小中甸) to Shangri-La. The line is about 139 kilometers with 12 stops such as Lshihai(拉市海) and Hutiaoxia(虎跳峡). The designed driving speed is 120 kilometers per hour and the total construction period is 6 years. 

After the completion of Lixiang railway, it will be connected with the existing Kunming-Lijiang railway, linking the tourist resorts of Dali, Lijiang and Shangri-La in Yunnan to drive the development of tourism economy and social development along the route. At the same time, Shangri-La will also be associated with the whole country and even southeast Asia, South Asia and other places.

If you want know more details or train schedules of Shangri-La Railway Station, you can click here:

Transportation in Yunnan:

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