Hefei – Lijiang Flights

Hefei – Lijiang Flights offer the flight schedules between Hefei(合肥) and  Lijiang(丽江). The distance from Hefei to Lijiang is 2882 kilometers. It takes about one hour and 45 minutes from Hefei to Lijiang by air. Hefei is the political, economic, and cultural center of Anhui. Hefei has a long history. It has been established since Qin and Han Dynasties for more than 2000 years. It has been an important administrative, economic and military center in Jianghuai region. While Lijiang also has a long history but it is famous for its ancient scenery. As a popular destination in Yunnan, Lijiang is considered as a fairyland blessed with fresh air, clear streams, breathtaking snow mountains and an undisturbed landscape inhabited by Naxi ethnic minority.

Hefei Xinqiao International Airport合肥新桥国际机场
Address : Shushan District,  Hefei City, Anhui Province(安徽省合肥市肥西县)
Tel:+86 551 6377 7888

Lijiang Sanyi  International Airport丽江三义国际机场
Address :Qi’he Town, Gu’Cheng District, Li’jiang City, Yunnan Province (丽江市古城区七河乡)

Hefei – Lijiang Flights

Everyday, there will be around 6 flights departing from Xinqiao Airport (新桥机场)and arriving at Lijiang Sanyi International Airport(丽江三义国际机场), the schedule is listed as follows(NOTE: Direct Flights will be Marked as Black, while Flights with Transfer and Stopover will be Marked as Red).

Flight No. Departure Duration Arrival Stopocer Full Price (Economy)
PN6258 12:55 2h50m 15:45   2400¥
JD5246 15:00 3h 18:00   2400¥
16:10 6h55m 23:05 Chongqing 900¥

Lijiang  – Hefei Flights

Flight No. Time of Departure Duration Time of Arrival Ticket Price (Economy)
PN6257 09:25 2 h 45 m 12:10  1060¥
JD5245 11:25 2 h 45 m 14:10  129¥


20:15 3 h 50 m
03:35 910¥


15:05 2 h 20 m
21:00 1275¥


14:35 2 h
20:15 1528¥

1. The above information is for reference, if any change is based on actual information.
2. If you wan to book ticket and arrange a Chongqing-Lijiang tour, please contact us, 
Email: contact@YunnanExploration.com; Tel: +86-871-63511469.
3. The ticket price is changing, sometimes there are discounts, while sometimes not.

Transportation in Yunnan:

Yunnan Travel by Air

Rail Transport in Yunnan

Roads in Yunnan

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