Kunming to Dongchuan Red Land Bus Schedule and Bus Tickets Booking
Kunming – Dongchuan Red Land By Bus
From Kunming North Bus Station
At Kunming North Bus Station, there are 2 daily buses running to Fazhe passing by Dongchuan Red Earth. The departure time is 07:50 and 08:30. You need to let the driver know where you want to get off, Huagou or Hua Shi Tou, etc. The journey will take about 3-4 hours.
From Kunming South Bus Station
Now there are direct scenic buses directly to Qingzhen Laodifang(清真老地方) of Dongchuan Red Land, departing at 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 respectively from Kunming (Nanyao) Bus Station(昆明南窑汽车客运站) and Kunming South Bus Station(昆明南部客运站).
- The above information is for reference, if any change is based on actual information.
- If you wan to book tickets please contact us. Email: contact@YunnanExploration.com; Tel: +86-871-63511469.
Transportation in Yunnan:
- Airlines in Yunnan
- Flights to Yunnan
- Airport Transfer
- International Flights to Yunnan
- Airports in Yunnan