Ludian County Entertainment

Ludian county(鲁甸县) is rich in entertaining resources. Teahouses can be seen everywhere, and local people always kill their time in these teahouses. KTV is the best choice for one who wants to spent a pleasant night and enjoys himself to the full. Bars are also not bad for young people. In addition, there is a children’s park in Ludian county, it is the paradise for children.

Dark Blue Entertaining Club(深蓝娱乐会所)

Address: on the Century Avenue in Ludian county, Zhaotong city(昭通市鲁甸县世纪大道)

Tel: 08708129288

The Royal Chamber Song Hall(皇庭歌城)

Address: on the Century Avenue in Ludian county, Zhaotong city(昭通市鲁甸县世纪大道)

Tel: 0870-8127977

Happy Baby Children’s Park(欢乐宝贝儿童娱乐城)

Address: on the Century Avenue in Ludian county, Zhaotong city(昭通市鲁甸县世纪大道)

Tel: 15974893456

Dream Net Bar(梦幻网吧)

Address: Wenping West Road in Ludian county, Zhaotong city(昭通市鲁甸县文屏西路)

Tel: 0870-8120872

Mr. Lee Teahouse(李老师茶庄)

Address: No. 201 on the Wenping East Road in Ludian county, Zhaotong city(昭通市鲁甸县文屏东路201号)

Tel: 0870-8121508