Shiping County Culture

The county is known throughout China for its traditional dances and songs. The Yi people of Shiping County who live near Yilong Lake perform a form of traditional music called haicai qiang (海菜腔; “sea grass melody”)

1.Yanhe dance culture烟盒舞文化

“The yanhe dance” is a traditional folk dance. It has been mixed,more popular version.Yi people hunt wild animals, often covered with animal skins mixed herds. Later it became a dance that imitates the movements of wild animals, and formed a “three strings”. Another way of saying, that three-step string is picked seedlings to walk, walk uphill. All in all, this means”yanhe dance” arise from the labor struggles of the Yi people lives. Yanhe dance is said to have begun and no props, but music is not uniform and neat jump to clap a unified rhythm and later with tobacco cigarette play, issued a melodious sound and elastic cigarette instead of clapping. After a generation,it was constantly enriched and developed into today’s “yanhe dance”.

Yi’s yanhe dance including sine and miscellaneous string in two parts, forming amountain and two styles in the dam area and a variety of genres, dance routine sup to 220 units, so far only collected 117, sine 62, miscellaneous string to 55units. The dance form of Pas de deux, PAS DE TROIS and group dance, the dancer sholding old Sheng Cao circular wooden cigarette case cigarette, fire, four-chord accompaniment, bomb hit the bottom section for dance, rhythm, and a warm atmosphere. Shi Ping Yi’s yanhe dance is distinctive, diverse skills, skills off amours “immortal’s bridge”, and “the ants”, “upside down gold” and so on. This characteristic of folk dance, fitness and may delight, smooth handsome, full of art, loved by the masses, spread through out urban and rural areas. It has now developed into a song, dance, music and sports in one comprehensive art of dance.

2. sacrifice Dragon culture祭龙文化

Sacrifice to the Dragon Festival: for geographical reasons, around the datevaries, but most held three in early February, March or June arrest in early March. Offerings-Dragon Festival and small offerings, small sacrifices that kills pigs and chickens, offering beef, cult by the highly respected in the village known as “leading” old presided over altar located in the “dragon tree”.Families to furnish himself with Qi pigs, chickens, ducks and other sacrifices from men to sacrifice at home. While discontinued 3rd, after the day’s first afternoon, Hu sent a men bring their own wine to “leading” home for dinner, to show thanks.Shiping County, Yunnan province Shao rush Township inhabited by descendants of the ancient Qiang Yi wet branches, known as Hua Yao Yi. They worshipped the Dragon, whose sacrifice to the Dragon, Dragon-mysterious and unique. Dragons are divided into male and female, and women dance the Green Dragon is a female Dragon, Dragon male Dragon, men dance; double dragon dance, female and malephase play chicken to fly.

Yi held a ceremony to sacrifice to the Dragon every year, every 12 years, wheel horse, Ma Yue, Ma Ri, to sacrifice to the Dragon, Yi language is called “moralgood” section. Every village in the nearby hillside crop has a dragon tree.Sacrifice to the Dragon, first elected a grand old man as “Dragon King”, by the water jar you worship the Dragon King Nagarjuna, the Dragon priests. Sacrifice to the Dragon is a sacred activity, Wang led us onto the fruit and vegetable offerings such as incense, live pigs, and worship God in the mountains. In the foot of the slope, is made up of three rows of small oak trees in a channel,channel before anyone could get up the Hill, not scurrying, don’t get it wrong,came out as well. Offer offerings, burn incense and worship God, most peopleonly two graves before the altar, a second altar above the penalty area. In addition to the Dragon King can go beyond whoever stepped into the half step ismade taboo, will be punished. And near to Nagarjuna on the Dragon King to do something, is he the only person who knows.

After worshipping the Dragon back to village, spiritual, Dragon, Yi dragon sholding Dragon entered the village village, for the villagers banish evil and pray for peace,happy and exciting than the Dragon.