Village of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Ethnic Villages, Kunming

Kunming Village of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Ethnic Villages travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos, weather, accommodation, visiting routes, travel tips, tour maps of Village of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Ethnic Villages in Kunming.

Chinese Name: 云南民族村–壮族村寨
English Name: Village of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Ethnic Villages, Kunming

一年一度的“泼水节”期间,有活泼欢快的 “象脚鼓舞”(“嘎光舞”)和婀娜多姿的“孔雀舞”。节日:傣族的重大节日有泼水节、关门节和开门节。泼水节是傣族最富民族特色的节日,时间是傣历六月(公历4月中旬),举行3天,头两天 送旧,最后一天迎新。这天人们要拜佛,姑娘们用漂着鲜花的清水为佛洗尘,然后彼此泼水嬉戏,相互祝愿,认为这样可以不生疾病,四季平安,鼓声、锣声、泼水声、欢呼声响成一片。期间还要举行赛龙船、放高升、放飞灯等传统娱乐活动和各种歌舞晚会。


节日:黄藏历元旦是藏族人民最重要的节日,要穿着盛装相互拜年,并到寺院朝拜祈福。正月十五日,各大寺院举行法事,如祈愿大法会; 农历四月八日转山会(沐佛节、敬山神);五月端午赛马大会;七月“旺果”节;冬月二十九跳神会等等。

Village of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Ethnic Villages, Kunming Village of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Ethnic Villages, Kunming-03 Village of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Yunnan Ethnic Villages, Kunming-02