Xishancun Mosque in Shidian County, Baoshan

Chinese Name: 施甸西山村清真寺
English Name: Xishancun Mosque in Shidian County, Baoshan


Xishancun Mosque is located in Xishan Village, Shidian County, Baoshan, Yunnan Province. Situated in the western part of Shidian County, beyond the Nu River, it is near the China-Myanmar border and enjoys a mild climate year-round.

Scale and Facilities

The mosque serves over 80 Hui households, totaling more than 500 individuals. It features a large prayer hall, minarets, and a Quranic school, providing comprehensive facilities for the local Muslim community. The county Islamic Association’s office is also located within the mosque premises.

Geography and Transportation

Location: Xishancun Mosque is situated in Xishan Village, Shidian County, Baoshan, Yunnan Province.

Travel Tips: When visiting Xishancun Mosque, visitors should dress modestly out of respect for local customs and religious practices. It’s advisable to inquire about prayer times and any specific guidelines for visitors from the mosque administration.